Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mark McGhee versus the forces for mediocrity

I spent last week having a break back home in God's own country. The day we arrived up in Aberdeen was the same day that my beloved Aberdeen FC appointed Mark McGhee as the new manager. The same McGhee that pulled on the famous red shirt from '78 - '84 or so during the glory years of the mighty Dons domination of both domestic Scottish football and European competition (and referenced many times in this journal).

Much excitement among the faithful, as you can imagine, for those who were around during that golden period and for those for whom it is folk lore passed down through the ages.

Successive Aberdeen managers have found it difficult dealing with that legacy and the supposed 'expectation' of the fans as year on year we have slipped from the top and relinquished power in Scottish football to the great unwashed (C*ltic, R*ngers). So it goes.

But what really irked me was the coverage in the local media of the appointment, principally the comments of the 'director' of football, Willie Miller.

The ink was barely dry on McGhee's contract when we got a stream of 'managing expectations' quotes from Miller - and other directors - basically indicating that the fans should not get too excited, we have no chance of ever winning the league again, the best we can hope for is 3rd spot and maybe some success in cup competitions.

I'm reminded of this nugget from Mahatma Gandhi, which I've quoted previously in this blog.

“Carefully watch your thoughts for they will become your words. Manage and watch your words for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions for the will become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits for they will become your values. Understand and embrace your values for they will become your destiny.”

To Mr Miller and co. Be certain. If MEDIOCRITY is all you expect to achieve then that is exactly the best you can expect.
What is most disappointing is that you, Mr Miller, were also part of that team that dominated Europe in the '80's. I very much doubt that Sir Alex Ferguson told that team you were part of to settle for 3rd best.

Hopefully Mark Mcghee is made of sterner stuff. He did a couple of seasons at Millwall, after all.

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it”

Now bring on next season.