Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Trust - a ten year low for business

Check out these clips from the 2009 Edelman Trust barometer survey.

Mark Earls showed one of the slides at a 'influence and social networks' workshop we attended at NESTA the other day which showed how 62% (globally) of those surveyed trust business less than they did a year ago.

Though trust is up in emerging economies (ie Asia, S America). it's significantly down in 'established' economies (ie UK, US & Europe) and particularly in the industries associated with 'affluence' - auto and banking (no surprise there, then).

Edelman are calling this the 'trust divide'. The other big shift, as we know, is that now we are - more than ever - trusting each other over any other media.

Here's one of the clips with the stats I've mentioned.