Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
letting it slip
Ive been piddling around over at my myspace page so neglecting this blog, sorry.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Labels: stuff
Friday, November 17, 2006
over exposure
Saw this article which i thought was worth sharing. More on the slow death of marketing but written with a degree of panache!
sample quote - 'We’re so niche, it’s hysterical. Don’t spend all those marketing dollars, for you’re burning out your core audience. And your only hope is that this core audience will revere you, adopt you and spread the word to others. Because you can’t REACH the others!!'
Been away for a bit so so posts for a while.
Ive got some pics of our Venice trip which I'll get up once I get near a PC.
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Eaon Pritchard
Friday, November 17, 2006
Labels: media
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Went to see this at the weekend with M. Laugh out loud from start to finish.
To be fair I hate musicals and was dragged along under duress but glad i went.
Go see it if you get the chance.
Lack of updates here recently due to not being arsed. In case anyones interested the chilli harvest was a bumper one. One homegrown pepper in a pot of chilli blows yer head off. Never buying supermarket crap again. Same goes for the tomatoes, ended up giving loads away as theres too many. Had a bit of a duff year for grapes though...need to buy a book or something.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Labels: stuff
Thursday, September 21, 2006
guerilla something, not sure what
This is great. Graffiti/street artist Banksy and DJ Dangermouse (of the Grey Album and Gnarls Barclay fame) got together and messed with Paris Hilton's album.
Banksy doctored the artwork, mouse tweaked the music and then they printed them up and dumped 500 in HMVs all over more about it here
or see the movie of them at it here
Bring me the Heads have kindly posted the whole package here
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Labels: media
hey! music lover
Rapidshare have deleted my files so I've bit the bullet and done a myspace.
Its in prog but the tunes are up there.
'Pricks' and 'Saigon' at the moment.
heres the link
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Labels: tunes
Monday, September 11, 2006
hey hey we're not the monkees
I'm a little bit late with this one and the whole 'consumer generated content' thing
but did find this very curious.Sponsored by Wendys and produced by Bolt media its taking the whole manufactured pop to the next level.
the 'band' is called Orangeblood' and the track 'Gunshy'
Produced entirely via Web collaboration with audience participating and voting on every aspect - from the band's name to choosing members and the tune distributed via MySpace etc.
Got this from the excellent JaffeJuice.
Tried to embed the audio but bloggers not having it so heres the link
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Monday, September 11, 2006
Labels: media
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
More Rock'n'Roll History
Here's 'Zed's Dead Baby' the original 'A' side of the Pricks EP in an earlier post
This one continued the Pulp fiction theme. There was a few tunes around shortly after this was released in 95 that used the 'path of the righteous man...' sample
but my ones used less obvious bits of dialogue. By the way Pricks pre-dated the Fun Lovin Criminals by about a year in case you were wondering.
This was the UK A-side but DJs were playing the Pricks track so it got flipped round for the Belgian and Italian releases.
I ripped this from the State of Play vol 1 cd which I had to buy off ebay. I had about 10 copies but ended up giving them all away, luckily someone had one for sale. £2.99 was a bit cheap I thought. I also got a copy of my first single for Hook, as Party on Plastic, for 50p - an disgrace , it should have been on there for £10 at least.
I'll post that one once I figure out how to record from vinyl into me computer.
Zeds Dead Baby here
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Labels: tunes
Saturday, August 12, 2006
My certificates arrived yesterday (2 in the book, count 'em).
Xbox thing for New uses of broadcast and Smirnoff thing for interactive advertising.
Couldn't help being slightly underwhelmed by the cheapy paper and rubber stamp.
For eighty squid a pop I think I was expecting something a bit better. I wonder if the pencils are rubber?
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Labels: media
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Labels: inspiration, rip, tunes
Friday, August 04, 2006
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Friday, August 04, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
No sleep 'til canvey island...
I just got the Feelgood's first lp again, its been reissued with extra tracks.
Theres a 2nd cd with stereo versions (the original '74 lp was mono) butI prefer it in mono, anyway.
As a kid I marvelled at Wilko's ability to play lead and rhythm guitar at the same time (and with his fist!).
Next thing the Ramones came over and the rest is history...
Little known fact, Wilko Johnson's real name is John Wilkinson.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Labels: tunes
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Take a tip from Mr Johnny Green...
Speaking of bikes...
This is a great book. Ex Clash roadie Johnny Green (immortalised in the Dr Feelgood classic 'Take a Tip') gives a grass roots fan's eye view of the Tour de France. Plenty of 'on the road' rock'n'roll anecdotes thrown in as they stalk Lance Armstrong and co around France. JG's enthusiasm is infectious and its a great intro to the Tour if, like me, you've not got a clue what its all about.
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Eaon Pritchard
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Labels: stuff
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
i've got a bike you can ride it if you like...
We had a few quid to spare last week so went and blew it on bikes.
A final tribute to Syd after listening to 'Piper' all week maybe. I got a minimal black Marin and M got a Trek with a comfy seat. The first bikes we have ever had! Theres no gym or anything round by us in leafy Hampshire, so it seemed like a good investment from an exercise point of view. A new hobby!...and safer than crack.
Next week a cloak.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Labels: stuff
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Dance like a monkey...
I must admit to approaching the first Dolls album in 30 odd years with some caution..
Need not have worried, seriously, it ROCKS! Basically, starting where Too Much too Soon left off
its as though its 1974 again. David J's voice sounds like a few fags have been smoked inbetween mind you and in all fairness we could do without Micheal Stipe's cameo, but you can't have it all.
I read a thing where Noel Gallagher out of Oasis said, in response to critisism that Oasis had become a bit formulaic and didn't experiment etc like, say, Radiohead, 'Let the others do the experimenting, we'll blow the roof off everywhere we play'.
Thats the spirit of rock'n'roll for you and theres plenty of it here.
Between this and Primal Scream it's a rockin' summer....
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Labels: tunes
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Rock'n'Roll part 3 - Saigon
Here's another of my greatest non-hits, 'Saigon'. This is my favourite of all the stuff I did for Bellboy.
Recorded at the beginning of 97 this was a deliberate move away from the four to the floor techno stompers that had become my trademark. The guitar came out of mothballs and this one features real bass guitar too. This track was scheduled as a single but potential problems with the Apocalypse Now samples (and the label having a bit of difficulty getting their heads around a radical change of direction) meant it was tucked away on the 2nd Bellboy cd compilation State of Play 2, as a bonus unreleased track. About 6 months after this came out Death in Vegas came out with The Contico Sessions, this wouldn't have been out of place on there so I knew I was on the right track even if the label didn't.
This track also featured in the 1998 Paul Spurrier film Underground grim tale of urban decay starring Ian Dury!
Heres the tune
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Labels: tunes
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
In between saving the world Bono still has time for a pint.
Apparently in Ireland theres no equivalent word for the Spanish 'manana'.
There's nothing that requires that level of urgency.
Irish fella told me that so dont start.
Did this illustration as part of a St Patricks day thing but the client bottled it and wouldn't use it.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Latest from the garden...
After last years pumpkin fiasco (3 pumpkin plants just about took over the whole patio and then when they were just about ready for picking a hedgehog attack and half of them got nibbled) Ive stuck to tomatoes this year. 15 plants altogether with a good few big bunches of golfball size green tomatoes already.
Ive also experimented with chillis this year - theres 6 plants. I've had them inside as i thought they might be a bit sensitive, but with this heatwave we're having ive got them outside now.
The grapes are looking good too - I gave the vine a good chopping before last winter so this years crop look much better than last year's.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Labels: stuff
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
That cat's something I can't explain...
Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Labels: rip
Monday, July 10, 2006
My Kurt Cobain story
A couple of weeks after Kurt Cobain topped himself, on a regular Tuesday morning, I was going about my business in the record shop i managed in Aberdeen. Next thing a couple of geezers came in, a journo and photographer. They explained they were doing a feature for Select magazine (serious rock mag a la Mojo or Q) on the recent demise of the aforementioned KC.
As Nirvana came from a small town near Seattle called Aberdeen the idea of the piece was to get vox pops from punters in the American Aberdeen and the Scottish one with individual reactions to the sad news and asked if I would mind if they hung around the shop to talk to the customers.
No problem, except at 9,30 on a tuesday morning there was no-one about so after half an hour they got bored and did me instead. I was a bit gumpy as per usual in the morning so reeled of some flippant comment about KC being a bit of a twat who bough the whole rock'n'roll death trip blah blah. Photo taken and off they went.
Next month in Select theres the article with my pic and sarcy comment. Within hours the phone in the shop is going mad with angst ridden Nirvana fans offering death threats and the like to yours truly and the shop window is full of spotty faces with greasy hair ponting in at me going 'thats him..'. A couple of them started following me home so I had to do a detour through a few gardens to shake them off. I was also a club dj at the time, and fairly well known locally, so I had grand delusions of being assasinated in mid backspin on the decks, I was more concerned about which record i'd be playing as the shots rang out - it would have had to be something obscure and cool.
The spooky thing was on the next page of the article theres a Nirvana pic and the bass player, Kris Nobolisk or something, is my double! (except I'm slightly better looking). Needless to say for the next couple of months we didn't sell much Nirvana and other grunge type stuff as the pimply punkers gave the shop a wide berth.
And thats my Kurt Cobain story.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Monday, July 10, 2006
Labels: tunes
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
History of Rock'n'Roll Part 2
For anyone whose interested heres my greatest hit in musical terms.
DJs picked up on the 2nd track on the b-side 'Pricks' back in 1995 and it got heavy rotation from the likes of Carl Cox and Nick Warren, busting up the club charts and back down again...
Released on Bellboy records in the uk, Tube in Italy and Techno Tools in Belgium it was a bit of a trans-european monster (flipped so as 'Pricks' was the a-side). It even turned up on a few compilations including Cherry Moon which is kind of Germany's Ministry of Sound.
I helped set up Bellboy in the early 90s and had a few releases under various guises but this was the one that did it, in critical terms, and nearly spawned an album deal with Cox's label.
Came to nowt in the end but I was able to hike up my DJ fee on the back of it.
The track itself was based on a Felix da Housecat one note and octave thing I had been djing with and was created by me and Cowie in his garage studio in about 2-3 hours and was mixed totally live. Basically a bunch of loops running and the two of us whacking faders up and down.
Listen carefully and you can hear the mistakes but thats techno-punk for you.
Here you go
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Labels: tunes
Monday, June 19, 2006
World Cup
Ingerlund v Trinidad and Tobago from WSC...laugh out loud.
''Back in those days, a game like this would have presented little anxiety. Any goals scored by the Trinidadians, or Tobagans for that matter, would have instantly become the property of the Crown and therefore added to England’s tally...''
read the full thing here
Much chatter about the Argentina goal the other day, 24 passes then Cambiasso popped it in.
But we all know what the greatest world cup goal was...
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Monday, June 19, 2006
Labels: stuff
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Currently on the ipod...
Fourth live album from PW (Live Wood, 2nd cd of Modern Classics, Days of Speed and this).
As with Live Wood its basically the best bits of the last album (ie wild wood then, as is now, now)
plus a few classics. Highlight for me is an epic 'In the Crowd'.
I don't really do playlists on the ipod. I'm a bit of a traditionalist in that I'll listen to a whole lp.
London Calling on heavy rotation too as well as The Kinks 'Village Green'.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Labels: tunes
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Fit Like, New York
The last post set me off remembering that part of the 80's. This book is a pretty good document of that period (in fact it covers the 50's through to 90's)
GillianSilver don't make it in but theres a wee chapter about some of the stuff I was invoved in during the 90's (more about that another time)
Big chapters on APB (big in NY but sadly never quite made it at home) and The Shamen.
Glaring omission is probably Nervous Choir.
I think the book out of print but I would bet these guys still have a few copies/boxes kicking around
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Labels: stuff
History of Rock'n'Roll part 1
Found this pic from around 83. We were called GillianSilver, named after a girl i was at school with who I thought had a cool name. This shot was taken at a cellar bar in Aberdeen where we played a few times. This line-up was the original 3 piece, me on guitar, Steve on vocals and Gregor on percussion. We were into Orange Juice and the so-called 'sound of young scotland' at the time ( i had discovered major and minor 7ths so all the songs we wrote had that melancholy jazzy vibe). The band later expanded to a proper 5 piece with drums and bass. We recorded properly a 3 track ep that was going to come out in some form after we started courting Charlie Cosh, who was managing Alone Again Or (who later became the Shamen) but somehow it didn't happen. The Shamen were mates of ours and we opened up for them a few times.
Our ill fated ep was produced by Wilf Smarties and i googled him in the vain hope that the tapes still exist somewhere (this was before digital storage, kids) and i could contact him. He's now a big shot producer and co-wrote half of Kylie Minogue's last album so I don't hold much hope of tracking him down. Never mind.
In case your interested the ep would have been..
Our Hands (moody soulful string-laden wrist slitter - written by me and Steve)
Some things Never Change (uptempo Motown-ish belter, chord sequence ripped off of Frank and Nancy's Somethin Stupid - another me and Steve original)
This Guys in Love with You (the Burt B number - featuring Gregor on bugle)
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Labels: tunes
The Scream back on form
Been listening to this all week.
Faces/Stones/Dolls all chucked into the pot and the Scream rocking out like never before.
The great thing about these fellas is how they can leap from techno to rock'n'roll then dub
and it still sounds like them.
There are files around to download but these guys deserve your money so buy it
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Labels: tunes
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
white bicycles - joe boyd
One of the best memoirs/autobiogs Ive read for a while.Basically Boyd recalls his time in the 60's underground scene at the UFO club inLondon via the Newport Jazz and folk festivals and road trips unearthing long forgotten blues legends.If you're an obsessive like me the detail is great and really brings the characters to life.I think I read this in about 4 train rides (home to work, work to home x 2)
get it here
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Labels: stuff
Saturday, April 29, 2006
They have had a bad press from the likes of Terry Wogan and that jobbie-poker woman off the telly but...
I'm informed that this is the recipe used by Aitkens Bakery
of Torry.
cant think of a better subject for my first post
so here it is...
1oz baker's yeast 3/4 pint tepid water
1lb flour 6oz lard(hog)
1 level teaspoon salt 6oz butter
1 " tablespoon sugar
Warm all utensils before starting.
Sieve the flour.
Mix yeast , salt , sugar together and add with water
to the flour.
Mix well and then cover with warm cloth and
remove to warm place.
Allow dough to double in size.
When ready blend fats together and divide into 3.
Roll out dough on a floured board.
Dot one portion of the fats over the dough.
Fold in three and roll out again.
Repeat twice.
Form into oval shapes , place on greased and
floured tray and allow to prove for a further 30
Bake at 400 degrees Farenheit ( gas 4-5 ) for
approximately 25 minutes.
When ready remove from oven , spread with
lashings of butter and eat immediately.
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Posted by
Eaon Pritchard
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Labels: stuff